ネパール観光局は、2023年4月1日以降にネパール国内において外国人が登山を行う場合は必ずガイドを雇う必要があるほか、登山の前に取得するTIMS(Trekkers Information Management System)許可証の料金を現行の1,000ルピーから2,000ルピーに引き上げることを発表しています。
1.2023年3月9日、ネパール観光局はネパールにおける外国人の登山に関するプレスリリースを発表しました。これによれば、登山者情報管理システム(Trekking Information Management System=TIMS)の手続きを改定し、4月1日以降にネパール国内において登山をするすべての外国人は、政府の認定を受けたガイドを雇う必要があるほか、政府に登録された代理店を通じてTIMSカードの取得(日本人の場合は2,000ルピー)が義務づけられる、とのことです。
電 話:+977-1-4256909(カトマンズ)、+977-61-465292(ポカラ)

Nepal Tourism Board
Press Release – March 9, 2023
Revised Provision for Trekking in Nepal
In order to ensure the safety and security of visitors trekking in protected areas in the mountains of Nepal, Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) has revised procedures of the Trekking Information Management System (TIMS). With the new provision, all trekkers are required to obtain services of licensed trekking guide and to obtain TIMS Card through authorized trekking agencies registered with the Government of Nepal. The new provision shall come into effect post March 31, 2023.
The decision has been taken subsequent to a series of discussions with the trekking and expedition stakeholders and relevant trade unions in Nepal, to help mitigate adverse incidents like getting lost en-route, health issues and/ or natural disasters etc. With this implementation, the trekkers will have immediate access to professional support system and will help in addressing the challenges of rescue operations in case of any unwarranted situation.
In addition to safety, the new provision will create employment for workers in the tourism sector of Nepal and discourage unauthorized trekking operations in the country.
The fees for the TIMS Card have been revised to NPR 1000.00 per person for SAARC citizens and NPR 2000.00 for the rest of the world. The provision for Diplomatic Missions in Nepal will remain as before, however, accompaniment by licensed guide shall be applicable.
Detailed guidelines for the same shall be published shortly. NTB is positive that this step paves way for sustainable, responsible and eco-friendly tourism in the Himalayan region of Nepal.
The Media Center Nepal Tourism Board